Edge Only Is One!

It is our 1st birthday!
It's hard to believe that we officially launched this day last year. Even though the website went live in September, this feels like our true birthday, as it was the first time people had the opportunity to see our jewellery up close.
So from our launch in October to Wolf & Badger London in May, what better way to celebrate our first birthday than with Edge Only jewellery in The Marvel Room, Brown Thomas Dublin from tomorrow! It's been quite a year.
There are a lot of incredibly talented people that work with us, so a quick thank you to our star photographer and head of social Audrey Dalton, the genius of AAD design studio, the unflappable Mission PR, the exceptional skill of Janice Byrne, Damien Byrne and Sarah Gregory. There are many more that have leant their talents and support along the way but i fear I may run into Oscar territory...
Thank you.