A Great Read For Fair Fashion Lovers
A view from the Copenhagen
Fashion Summit 2019
A view from Copenhagen is a fascinating read from Fashion Revolution and Tasmin Blanchard. We encourage all fair fashion lovers to read it and see the state of play.
As a brand that is passionate about fashion and design, that encourages independent, ethical and sustainable purchases, we have to keep our eyes open and be aware of the changes (or lack there of) in the industry that we are a part of.
It's not all bleak, there are exciting advances in the pipeline, but what is crystal clear is that it is all too little, too slow and we need to continue to demand transparency from the brands we shop from [and as businesses, from our suppliers].
Here is a link to the full article
Articles like these remind us how important it is to play our part. We are committed to being fair. For us that means a fair wage, which is why our goldsmiths, casters, polishers, setters, CAD designers and printers all set their own prices.
They set their own hours. This means that parents can work mornings and evenings (or however they so chose) so that they can be with their children after school. We work together to grown our independent business and create a prosperous relationship for all involved.
Our production is done in Ireland. Our chains are manufactured in Europe. Our boxes are gift bags are low footprint luxury paper. We are not perfect, but we are trying.
We believe in transparency and hope that if ever you have a question that you don't feel is answered on our FAQ that you will send us an email: info@edgeonly.com
Kind regards
Jenny Huston